Property and Trust Law in Japan

商品コード : 597103
タイトルProperty and Trust Law in Japan
著者Matsuo, Hiroshi
出版社Wolters Kluwer
Property and Trust Law in Japan
在庫状態 : 取り寄せ(海外含む)


松尾 弘(著)
(Hiroshi, Matsuo/慶應義塾大学法務研究科教授)



The monograph proceeds logically from the basic features of immovable and movable property and historical development to the structure of protection, acquisition, and secured transactions of immovable and movable property, which provides the comprehensive picture of property law in Japan with its precedents and doctrines. It also describes the characteristic development and practical use of trust law, which has become an indispensable part of property law in Japan.


  • List of Abbreviations(略語リスト) / General Introduction(序論/概要説明)
  • Part I. Immovable Property(第一部:不動産)
    Chapter 1. General Classification / Chapter 2. Legal Interests /
    Chapter 3. Equitable Interests / Chapter 4. Limited Interests / Chapter 5. Security Interests /

    Chapter 6. Joint Ownership
    Chapter 7. Neighborhood and Urban Problems / Chapter 8. Agrarian Problems

  • Part II. Movable Property(第二部:動産)
    Chapter 1. General Classification / Chapter 2. Legal Interests

    Chapter 3. Equitable Interests / Chapter 4. Security Interests

  • Part III. Acquisition of Property Rights(第三部:財産権の取得)
    Chapter 1. Transfer of Property Rights Inter Vivos /
    Chapter 2. Transfer of Property by Death
    Chapter 3. Possession / Chapter 4. Appropriation / Chapter 5. Accession and Processing
    Chapter 6. Expropriation / Chapter 7. Insolvency
  • Part IV. Trust and Fiduciary Mechanisms(第四部:信託と信認メカニズム)
    Chapter 1. Administration of Property
  • Part V. Security(第五部:担保権)
    Chapter 1. Securities in Immovable Property / Chapter 2. Securities in Movable Property
  • Selected Bibliography(主要文献目録) / Index(索引)