Methodology of Criminal Law Theory: Art, Politics or Science?

商品コード : 596218
タイトルMethodology of Criminal Law Theory: Art, Politics or Science?
シリーズStudien zur Strafrechtstheorie und Strafrechtsethik, 4
著者Matsuzawa, Shin/Nuotio, Kimmo
Methodology of Criminal Law Theory: Art, Politics or Science?
在庫状態 : 在庫有り


This book discusses whether criminal law theory, or in more general terms, general law theory can be
regarded as a branch of science. The issues addressed in this book are following: Is the criminal law
scholarship which obviously informs the legal system itself a form of science, and in what sense? Can
there be systemic developments in criminal law theory?
The issues concerning the nature of the knowledge of criminal law in the core areas of the field are of
course closely linked with issues concerning what legal science is more generally about. A reflective
discussion in the field of criminal law on these issues may contribute to the general discussions in legal
theory, and also it serves the interest of understanding where criminal law theory stands when legal
research is increasingly faced with challenges of interdisciplinarity.

Table of Contents

The Methods of Legal Dogmatics of Criminal Law From a Realistic Perspective
Shin Matsuzawa
In Defence of a Normative and Non-Scientific Legal Science
Petter Asp
One Method, Two (Mandatory) Perspectives
Thomas Elholm
Criminal Law Scholarship ? Should It Be Able to Present Itself as Science?
Kimmo Nuotio
How Can Legal Doctrine be a Scientific Discipline? Methodological Groundworks for the Norwegian
Criminal Law Doctrine
Jorn Jacobsen
The method of (German) criminal law dogmatics
Luis Greco
Law and Science
Eric Hilgendorf
Rechtswissenschaft revisited
Heike Jung
Criminal Law Science: from Legal Technicism to Postmodern Legality. An Italian perspective.
Massimiliano Lanzi

Transformation of criminal law science in China: Description and Discussion
Liang Genlin

The Role of Philosophy within the General Theory of Crime
Michael Pawlik
List of Contributors