Kostal, R.W. :
Laying Down the Law ; The American Legal Revolutions in Occupied Germany and Japan.
2019/10. 472 p. (Harvard University Press)
ISBN: 9780674052413 hardcover
Laying Down the Law ; The American Legal Revolutions in Occupied Germany and Japan.
2019/10. 472 p. (Harvard University Press)
ISBN: 9780674052413 hardcover

Table of Conetnts
- 1. The “Destruction of Philosophies”: Planning the Legal Reconstruction of Germany and Japan
- 2. Occupying the Legal Other: The Subjugation of the German and Japanese Legal Systems
- 3. Captive Constitutions: Remaking Constitutional Law in Occupied Germany and Japan
- 4. Crafting Liberal Courts: Reconstituting the German and Japanese Judiciaries
- 5. Clearing the Spiritual Rubble: Reforming Criminal Justice in Occupied Germany and Japan
- 6. Twilight of the Gods: The Rise and Fall of Civil Liberties in Occupied Germany and Japan
- Conclusion: Laying Down the Law: Americans as Legal Revolutionaries
- Abbreviations
- Notes
- Acknowledgments
- Index