Japanese Labor & Employment Law and Practice 3rd Ed.

2018/02 新版が刊行されました。

Title(タイトル):Japanese Labor & Employment Law and Practice
Editor(著者・編集者):Hideki Thurgood Kano 嘉納英樹
Edition(版次):3rd Ed.
Publish date(出版年月日):2014/11/20
Page(ページ数):630 p
Publisher(出版社):Daiichi Hoki Co, Ltd. 第一法規株式会社
ISBN: 9784474033122
Language(言語):English 英語
Price(定価):¥25,920(Inclusive of tax 税込)


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Price at ¥24,000 (¥25,920 inclusive of  tax)     IN STOCK!!

“Japanese Labor & Employment Law and Practice 3rd Ed. ” provides comprehensive commentary and local custom advice to the labor and employment laws of Japan along with clear explanations of how these laws work in practice. This book covers all the issues you need to understand. Whether you are a Human Resource Manager, Human Resources Consultant, a Managing Director or an Employment Lawyer,  provides the reader with comprehensive and jargon-free coverage of the employment laws in Japan.



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The third version of “Japanese Labor & Employment Law and Practice” (hereinafter the “3rd Edition”) is now being published. The 3rd version provides readers with explanations on the Japanese labor and employment practice as well as the Japanese labor and employment law. In May 2010, CCH Japan “Staff Employment Law Guide” was published. The completely revised version of what was published in May 2010 was published in 2011, under the title CCH Japan “Japanese Labor & Employment Law and Practice”. “Japanese Labor & Employment Law and Practice” was completely revised in 2012.
You will find the 3rd Edition to be a completely revised version of what was published in 2012. The comments and the explanations have been thoroughly revised so that the entire content and descriptions throughout the third version are easier to understand. Further, simplified explanations in the Japanese
language have been given.



Sample Page:製品サンプルページ


Chapter Section
1.Basic Important Points Fundamental Points, Important Points, and Current Topics
Summary of Laboremployment Laws
The Enforcement of Statutes, Rules and Agreements as Well as Government Bodies
Required Procedures and Document Submission For Hr People
2. Employees & Employers Employees & Employers
Female Employees, Gender Discrimination, and Sexual Harassment
Aged Society & Declining Birthrates
Expatriates and Foreign Workers
Worker Dispatch
Statutory Directors
3. Employment Laws Recruitment, Hiring, Probation and Related Matters
Working Hours, Rest Hours, Overtime Work
Irregular Working Hours, Flextime, and Discretionary Working Hour
Non-working Days, Annual Paid Leave, Sickness & Injury Leave And Maternity Leave
Health, Safety and Sanitation
Education and Training
Protection of Information
Promotion and Demotion
Mobility of Employees
Disciplinary Actions
Severance, Unilateral Termination And Redundancy
Unilateral Termination and Redundancy
Alternatives to Unilateral Termination
4. Labor Laws Industrial & Labor Relations
Labor Union, Labor Union Confederations, and Employer Organizations
Collective Bargaining
Concerted Activities
Unfair Labor Practices
5. Labor Insurance
& Social Insurance
Workers Accident Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Health Insurance
Welfare Pension Funds and Defined Contribution and Defined Benefit